8 Kolobrzeska, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Będzin Castle

1 h 1 Zamkowa Street, Będzin, 42-500

Będzin Castle
Będzin Castle
Będzin Castle
Będzin Castle
Będzin Castle
Będzin Castle


The castle is about 14 km from Katowice and 88 km from Kraków. The history of these fortifications dates back to the 9th century. The castle itself was built in the second part of the 13th century. Unfortunately, it was demolished many times during its history. Its current shape was established during its Neo-Gothic reconstruction in 1834. The last major preservation works were held in 1956. Since than the castle has been a museum. Tourists can visit two exhibitions. One with weaponry and one devoted to the history of the castle and the town. Tourists can usually also enter the tower where they can admire beautiful panorama of surrounding lands. Currently, there are some conservation works performed there. Będzin is an interesting place for all old stronghold lovers.

Please note that ITS-Poland works with groups only (10 participants and more).

Będzin Castle