8 Kolobrzeska, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Maritime Culture Centre "People-Ships-Ports"

21-25 Tokarska Street, Gdańsk, 80-888

Maritime Culture Centre


The interactive exhibition “People – Ship –Ports” is located in the Maritime Cultural Center. The exposition consists of five parts. The first one, “The Sea – environment and technology" shows how a whirlpool and tsunami are born, how solar cells work, as well as see the northern sky constellations.  On the second exhibition, “Ship structure”,  the visitors can feel like a real captain. By visiting the part "Working in a port" guests learn the secret life of a port, get to know how a container terminal operates and what can be loaded into a container. The Fourth part tells about daily life at sea,  the life of a sailor. The last part of the exhibition shows underwater archaeology.