There are numerous quotes and idioms that we would like to remind you now: “Every cloud has a silver lining”, “There is always sunshine after the rain”, “ It may be stormy now but it never rains for ever” and finally our favourite one that we have started with “ There is always a rainbow at the end of every rain”. This is what we want to concentrate on at this time of hardship and doubt connected with COVID-19 spread.
Now is the time to look for ways to help support each other and together look into the future. Thank you for your continued loyalty and for placing your trust and confidence in ITS Poland in these uncertain times. We want to support and protect both you, our greatly valued customers and partners, and also our local suppliers all over Poland. We want our industry to survive, grow and prosper. Probably you already understand that we are all in this together.
Now it is the time to start cooperation to create new opportunities. This is why we would like to ask you to reason with your clients and try to postpone your Polish travels and not to cancel them all together. We strongly believe, that after the epidemics people will still desire to get away from all of its inclinations and forget about their worries for a while, to have some rest and to discover Poland as their travel destination. This is why we want to ask you to talk to your clients to postpone their journeys.
Our team will do their utmost to help you find possible new travel dates and hotel availabilities if there is such need. All that of course maintaining the best possible cancellation policy, to give your clients confidence and peace of mind during the current situation.
Don’t let this virus define your business. Be strong as things will definitely get better.
Acting together we can overcome this crisis and come out the other end stronger than ever.