8 Kolobrzeska, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Ocean Park Władysławowo

180 min 23 Żwirowa Street, Władysławowo, 84-120

Ocean Park Władysławowo
Ocean Park Władysławowo
Ocean Park Władysławowo
Ocean Park Władysławowo
Ocean Park Władysławowo
Ocean Park Władysławowo
Ocean Park Władysławowo
Ocean Park Władysławowo


Oceanpark in Władysławowo is situated at 13 Żwirowa and has about 12 hectares. Oceanpark gives us an opportunity to have a stroll at an ocean floor and admiring sea animals in a huge sizes (eg. 35 meter whale) but of course on a dry land. Right now tourists can admire about 50 animal models but the park is developed constantly. We can admire among many others: whales, killer whales, tortoises, walruses, fish from all climate zones starting from Antarctica to Tropics. Apart from the models and their descriptions there is also a huge playground for children. Groups in the park can also hire a guide to learn more about ocean ecosystems.

Ocean Park Władysławowo