8 Kolobrzeska, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Upside down house, Szymbark

90 min 12 Szymbarskich Zakładników Street, Szymbark, 83-315

Upside down house, Szymbark
Upside down house, Szymbark
Upside down house, Szymbark
Upside down house, Szymbark
Upside down house, Szymbark
Upside down house, Szymbark
Upside down house, Szymbark
Upside down house, Szymbark


Szymbark is situated about 50 km from Gdańsk (less than an hour trip) and you see the upside down house there. The house (Polish: Szymbark, Dom do góry nogami) stands on its roof and you enter it by the window. In the house you move on the ceiling and you make a journey to Polish Communist era as all the furniture come from then. Of course the main attraction is that the house plays tricks to your ears labyrinth and it is very hard to walk straight there. The house stands in the educational centre where among other attractions you can see the longest board in the world, the largest playing piano and household appliances museum. There is also a possibility to visit the centre with a guide so, don’t wait too long and book the trip. The center’s aim is to promote history, language and culture of Kaszuby region.
